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FIPOI's commitments

2050 today

The Foundation is an active member of the 2050 Today  program.

Initiated in partnership with the United Nations, this program brings together a community of institutions and players from international Geneva, determined to ensure a rapid, continuous, and measurable reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions of their own institutions.
Through its principle of solidarity and cooperation, members implement effective measures to significantly reduce their CO2 emissions.
Each member is committed to achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.



Eco 2021

FIPOI is involved in SIG's ECO-21 program, a partnership aimed at reducing its energy consumption. This program, known as Negawatt Vision, is reserved for companies classified as "major consumers", FIPOI included due to its extensive portfolio of buildings. 
Negawatt Vision helps FIPOI to implement a coherent energy policy. This is achieved through personalized follow-up, support in setting up an energy management system and the awarding of subsidies for energy performance actions.


des immeubles
pour les


Rue de Varembé 9-11
Case Postale 13
CH-1211 Genève 20


+41 22 791 90 00
+41 22 791 91 11 (conferences)

©2023 FIPOI